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Jilles Waagmeester artwork • statue • sculpture • for sale Bull

Waagmeester J.  | Jilles Waagmeester | Sculptures and objects offered for sale | Bull, bronze 11.0 x 19.2 cm, signed with monogram on the back

Jilles Waagmeester

bronze 11.0 x 19.2 cm, signed with monogram on the back

This sculpture is for sale.

Price: € 2,200

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    #Jilles Waagmeester #sculptures and objects#animals #cow 

    Sculptor and poet Jilles Waagmeester, born in 1949 in Zaandam, was educated at the Artibus Art Academy in Utrecht. He is engaged in depicting the human figure, sometimes also animals, in the materials bronze, steel, wood and stone. Important to his artistic education were the lessons he received from Jan van Luyn, Martin Stolk and Henk Visser.

    Open all year round

    Tuesday to Saturday from 11-17 hours and by appointment