The river De Leie was a constant in the life and work of the Belgian artist Albert Saverys. He was born in Deinze and lived from 1923 in the villa 'Ter Kauwkeshoek' in Petegem-aan-de-Leie, with a garden bordering the river. At the beginning of his painting career, Saverys works under the influence of Emile Claus in an impressionist, luminist, sometimes pointillist style. Later, with James Ensor and Constant Permeke as important inspirers, he developed a powerful and free expressionism, with a more earthy palette. In addition to expressionism, Saverys also continues to apply impressionism and a light and cheerful color range. He was fascinated by many subjects, but the Leie landscape, in all seasons, was his absolute preference from around 1920.