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Anton Buytendijkartist • painter • watercolourist • draughtsmanAmsterdam 1913-2002

biography of Antonie Frederik Jacobus 'Anton' Buytendijk

The life of Tonny Buytendijk took place between Amsterdam and Groningen. Born in the capital, he received his painting training at the Minerva Academy in Groningen, where he continued to live, with a break of 2 years (1933-1935). In 1941 he became a member of De Ploeg and took part in their exhibitions, mainly featuring Groningen and Drenthe landscapes. After his return to Amsterdam in 1946, he was still a teacher at Minerva. He painted quickly, in an expressive-impressionist style, and shared his preference for working directly in nature with the other Ploeg painters. His Amsterdam cityscapes from the 1950s and 1960s are clearly expressionistic.

previously for salepaintings, watercolours and drawings by Anton Buytendijk

Anton Buytendijk | 'Blauwbörgje', oil on canvas, 52.5 x 64.0 cm, signed l.r.

Anton Buytendijk

painting • previously for sale


Anton Buytendijk | A view of 'Het Rietdiep', oil on canvas, 60.3 x 80.5 cm, signed l.r.

Anton Buytendijk

painting • previously for sale

A view of 'Het Rietdiep'

Anton Buytendijk | A landscape near Chateaubriant, France, black chalk on paper, 28.1 x 22.7 cm, signed l.r.

Anton Buytendijk

watercolour • drawing • previously for sale

A landscape near Chateaubriant, France

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Tuesday to Saturday from 11-17 hours and by appointment