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Emile Gastemansartist • painterBorgerhout (België) 1883-1956

biography of Emile Gastemans

The life of the Belgian painter, watercolourist and lithographer Emile Gastemans largely took place in Antwerp. He took lessons at the academy for a short time and was active in the traditionally tinted artists' association 'Als Ik Kan'. Gastemans found his subjects in the hard life along the ruver Scheldt: the porters, the pubs, the girls of pleasure. After the First World War, he frequently travels to southern Spain, which strongly influences his subject matter. The subjects become lighter, his style approaches that of the French impressionists. As a lithographer Gastemans contributed to publications, including the historical novel 'Le Réformateur d' Anvers'.

for salepaintings by Emile Gastemans

Emile Gastemans | Café scene, oil on board, 28.5 x 22.3 cm, signed u.l.

Emile Gastemans

painting • for sale

Café scene

Open all year round

Tuesday to Saturday from 11-17 hours and by appointment