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Henry Moreauartist • painterMons (België) 1869-1943

biography of Henry Moreau

Henry Moreau painted genre scenes, flowers and figures, but his most beloved subject was women. In his ballerinas, dancers, elegant young women in front of the mirror and nudes, he celebrated their beauty with refinement and style. The painter took part in exhibitions in Antwerp, Brussels and Wiesbaden from 1892.

for salepaintings by Henry Moreau

Henry Moreau | A young woman making her toilet, oil on panel, 35.2 x 26.9 cm, signed l.l.

Henry Moreau

painting • for sale

A young woman making her toilet

previously for salepaintings by Henry Moreau

Henry Moreau | The dancer, oil on canvas, 49.3 x 26.9 cm, signed l.l. and dated 1919

Henry Moreau

painting • previously for sale

The dancer

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Tuesday to Saturday from 11-17 hours and by appointment