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John Hulk jr.artist • painter • watercolourist • draughtsmanAmsterdam 1855-1913 Vreeland

biography of Johannes Frederik 'John' Hulk jr.

Johannes ('John') Frederik Hulk Jr. was born in 1855 as the son of the shopkeeper and painter Johannes Frederik Hulk Sr. He followed in his father's footsteps after initially wanting to become a sailor. In addition to lessons from his father, he trained at the Rijksacademie in Amsterdam under August Allebé and then at the well-known Académie Julian in Paris. He probably owes his nickname 'John' to the time he spent in England for about twelve years. There he made paintings with fox hunts and dogs on behalf of landowners and signed them with John F. Hulk. In addition to his work as an artist, Hulk had numerous social functions. He was a board member of Arti et Amicitiae, curator of the Teylers Museum in Haarlem and a member of the Royal Subsidy Committee, from which he had previously also received a subsidy as a 'pensionnaire'.

previously for salepaintings, watercolours and drawings by John Hulk jr.

John Hulk jr. | Foxhunters in Dorset, oil on panel, 15.8 x 21.3 cm, signed l.r.

John Hulk jr.

painting • previously for sale

Foxhunters in Dorset

John Hulk jr. | The hunt, oil on panel, 27.1 x 21.5 cm, signed l.r.

John Hulk jr.

painting • previously for sale

The hunt

John Hulk jr. | The duck hunt, oil on panel, 15.8 x 21.5 cm, signed l.r.

John Hulk jr.

painting • previously for sale

The duck hunt

John Hulk jr. | An elegant lady fishing, oil on panel, 40.2 x 31.2 cm, signed l.l.

John Hulk jr.

painting • previously for sale

An elegant lady fishing

John Hulk jr. | A duck with ducklings, oil on canvas, 60.3 x 96.4 cm, signed l.r.

John Hulk jr.

painting • previously for sale

A duck with ducklings

John Hulk jr. | Irish Setter, watercolour on paper, 40.0 x 63.5 cm, signed l.l.

John Hulk jr.

watercolour • drawing • previously for sale

Irish Setter

John Hulk jr. | Sow and piglets, watercolour on paper, 30.9 x 46.7 cm, signed l.r.

John Hulk jr.

watercolour • drawing • previously for sale

Sow and piglets

John Hulk jr. | A mother duck with her ducklings on a riverbank, watercolour on paper, 42.5 x 62.6 cm, signed l.r.

John Hulk jr.

watercolour • drawing • previously for sale

A mother duck with her ducklings on a riverbank

John Hulk jr. | The drag, watercolour on paper, 26.5 x 29.0 cm, signed l.l.

John Hulk jr.

watercolour • drawing • previously for sale

The drag

John Hulk jr. | Ierse setter, watercolour on paper, 40.0 x 63.5 cm, gesigneerd l.o.

John Hulk jr.

watercolour • drawing • previously for sale

Ierse setter

for salepaintings, watercolours and drawings by John Hulk jr.

John Hulk jr. | River landscape with flying ducks, watercolour on paper, 38.6 x 60.7 cm, signed l.r.

John Hulk jr.

watercolour • drawing • for sale

River landscape with flying ducks

John Hulk jr. | The fox hunt, watercolour on paper, 27.3 x 43.5 cm, signed l.l.

John Hulk jr.

watercolour • drawing • for sale

The fox hunt

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Tuesday to Saturday from 11-17 hours and by appointment