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Jos Ackerartist • sculptorWaasmunster (België) 1937

biography of Jozef 'Jos' van Acker

This Belgian sculptor was trained at the academy of Dendermonde and made numerous trips through southern Europe during his studies. Jos van Acker specializes in depicting the human figure, in particular groups and the female nude. He developed a figurative, slightly stylized visual language with which, as one reviewer wrote, he 'expresses the human message'. Van Acker's oeuvre consists of sculptures in wood, stone and terrracotta, and he makes both small bronze statuettes and monumental sculptures for the outdoor space.

previously for salesculptures by Jos Acker

Jos Acker | Tender embrace, bronze, 33.0 x 7.3 cm, signed on back side of the leg (man)

Jos Acker

statue • sculptuur • previously for sale

Tender embrace

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