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Petronella van Woenselartist • painterRaalte 1785-1840 Den Haag

biography of Petronella van Woensel

Petronella van Woensel was born in 1785 in a wealthy family. Because she turned out to have drawing talent, Petronella was taught at the age of 10 by the Hague still-life painter Jan van Os. She then specialized in making botanical drawings and painting still lifes of flowers, fruits and poultry. In contrast to many of her female contemporaries, Petronella van Woensel came out with her painting by regularly participating in De Tentoonstellingen van Levende Meesters (the Exhibitions of Living Masters).

previously for salepaintings by Petronella van Woensel

Petronella van Woensel | A still life of a rummer, exotic shell and grapes, oil on panel, 50.8 x 58.9 cm, signed l.r.

Petronella van Woensel

painting • previously for sale

A still life of a rummer, exotic shell and grapes

Open all year round

Tuesday to Saturday from 11-17 hours and by appointment