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W. Hendriksartist • painterBelgische School (rond 1900)

biography of Hendriks

Little is known about the Belgian painter W. Hendriks. He probably lived and worked in Antwerp around 1900, but was not affiliated with any artists' societies, which was the customary way for painters to build up a reputation. The happy return of the fishermen is a skilful copy of a picture by the history and genre painter Henri-Jacques Bource of Antwerp (1826 – 1900).

previously for salepaintings by W. Hendriks

W. Hendriks | The homecoming of the fishermen, oil on canvas, 73.1 x 120.8 cm, signed l.r. and dated 'Anvers 1906'

W. Hendriks

painting • previously for sale

The homecoming of the fishermen

W. Hendriks | Bedrijvigheid op en rond haven  (veilen), oil on panel, 38.3 x 47.2 cm

W. Hendriks

painting • previously for sale

Bedrijvigheid op en rond haven (veilen)

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Tuesday to Saturday from 11-17 hours and by appointment