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Wilhelm Bartschartist • painterKiel (Duitsland) 1871-1953 Worpswede (Duitsland)

biography of Wilhelm Bartsch

Wilhelm Bartsch was one of the German painters who regularly came to the Dutch fishing village of Katwijk between 1885 and 1914 to acquire motifs for their paintings and who mostly formed a painter's colony there in the summer months. In contrast to Scheveningen, people in the village of Katwijk lived of fishing until well into the 19th century, and the fashionable beach life had barely started there. Bartsch, like his fellow countrymen, painted the dunes, the farmers and the fishermen, but had a special fondness for the bombs on the beach, the fish auction and fishing boats entering. In addition to Holland, he also traveled along the Italian, Danish and Belgian coast. In addition to seascapes, he also painted landscapes and forest views.

for salepaintings by Bartsch W.

Wilhelm Bartsch | Fishing boats on the beach, oil on canvas laid down on cardboard, 34.3 x 49.1 cm, signed l.r. and without frame

Wilhelm Bartsch

painting • for sale

Fishing boats on the beach

previously for salepaintings by Bartsch W.

Wilhelm Bartsch | Fisherboats and fishermen on the beach, Katwijk, oil on canvas, 62.5 x 96.0 cm, signed l.r.

Wilhelm Bartsch

painting • previously for sale

Fisherboats and fishermen on the beach, Katwijk

Wilhelm Bartsch | Sorting the catch, oil on canvas, 38.5 x 51.5 cm, signed l.r.

Wilhelm Bartsch

painting • previously for sale

Sorting the catch

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