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Gerrit van der Veen artwork • statue • sculpture • for sale Portrait of Princess Juliana

Veen G.J. van der | Gerrit Jan van der Veen | Sculptures and objects offered for sale | Portrait of Princess Juliana, bronze 17.0 x 12.0 cm, signed on the back and executed ca. 1925-1935

Gerrit van der Veen

Portrait of Princess Juliana
bronze 17.0 x 12.0 cm, signed on the back and executed ca. 1925-1935

This sculpture is for sale.

Price: € 7,500

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    #Gerrit van der Veen #sculptures and objects#Royal family #portrait #sculpture 
    Provenance: mevr. A.M. Dedel-Bentinck, rechtstreeks verworven van de beeldhouwer en gieter, 1937.

    Open all year round

    Tuesday to Saturday from 11-17 hours and by appointment