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Jos Dirix artwork • statue • sculpture • for sale -

Dirix J.  | Jos Dirix | Sculptures and objects offered for sale | -, bronze 94.0 cm, gesigneerd op onderrand

Jos Dirix

bronze 94.0 cm, gesigneerd op onderrand

This sculpture is for sale.

Price: € 9,000

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    #Jos Dirix #sculptures and objects

    In the work of the Limburg sculptor Jos Dirix, the main theme is nature, focusing on humans and animals. In doing so, he emphasizes the expression of what he depicts, such as the vitality of the foal, the ecstatic power of the female figure, captured in the movement. Characteristic is the special balance he brings to the shapes he creates, so that his bronzes seem to play balancing with gravity. Dirix was born near Roermond and studied at the Artibus Academy in Utrecht. He makes sculptures for both indoor and outdoor spaces.

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