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Teun van Staveren artwork • statue • sculpture • for sale Male nude

Staveren T. van | Teun van Staveren | Sculptures and objects offered for sale | Male nude, bronze 75.5 x 15.5 cm, signed with monogram on lower leg and dated '08

Teun van Staveren

Male nude
bronze 75.5 x 15.5 cm, signed with monogram on lower leg and dated '08

This sculpture is for sale.

price range: up to 2,500

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    #Teun van Staveren #sculptures and objects#Contemporary Art #figures #man #nude #sculpture 

    Even as a child, Teun van Staveren had a great interest in the art and archaeology of classical antiquity. He studied at the Arnhem art academy and later switched to TU Delft, where he studied architecture and restoration. Subsequently, Van Staveren worked as an architect for many years. In 1981 he moved to Rome to study restoration. This also gave him the opportunity to study Italian antiquity. Once back in the Netherlands, he continued to work as an architect, alternating with commissions for renovations and restoration of wall and ceiling paintings and furniture. Van Staveren took sculpture and drawing lessons and from 2000 onwards he devoted himself entirely to his own free work as an artist. Architecture and the human body are important subjects in his oeuvre. Many of his sculptures are dancers or nudes, his paintings often depict Roman buildings.

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