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Erich Erler-Samaden artwork • painting • for sale Flower fields near a glacier

Erich Erler-Samaden

Flower fields near a glacier
oil on canvas 120.0 x 120.0 cm, signed l.l.

This painting is for sale.

Price: € 19,500

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    #Erich Erler-Samaden #paintings

    Erich Erler-Samaden was a painter of mainly snow landscapes in high mountains, which he put on the canvas in broad brush strokes. Younger brother of the painter Frits Erler. To distinguish himself from him, he called himself Erler-Samaden, a name he would no longer use after 1908. He lived alternately in Munich and in Samaden, in the latter place because of his health. He was also a graphic artist and illustrator.

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