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Arnold Koning artwork • painting • for sale Farmyard

Arnold Koning

oil on panel 31.4 x 41.7 cm, signed l.r.

This painting is for sale.

Price: € 2,800

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    #Arnold Koning #paintings#Dutch Impressionism #Impressionism #farmyards #landscape 

    Arnold Koning was trained as a painter at the Rijksakademie in Amsterdam. He painted, drew and etched figures (nudes), landscapes, beach views (beach carriages), but also city and village views. He regularly exhibited his work at the annual Exhibition of Living Masters, which was shown alternately in Amsterdam, Groningen, Arnhem and The Hague, among others. Museums: Kröller-Müller Museum in Otterlo (seven drawings) and the Rijksmuseum Van Bilderbeek Lamaison in Dordrecht.

    Open all year round

    Tuesday to Saturday from 11-17 hours and by appointment