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Joseph van Lil artwork • painting • for sale Portrait of the painter's son Georges

Lil J. van | Joseph van Lil | Paintings offered for sale | Portrait of the painter's son Georges, oil on canvas 63.3 x 51.5 cm, signed l.l. and dated 1875
Lil J. van | Joseph van Lil | Paintings offered for sale | Portrait of the painter's son Georges, oil on canvas 63.3 x 51.5 cm, signed l.l. and dated 1875

Joseph van Lil

Portrait of the painter's son Georges
oil on canvas 63.3 x 51.5 cm, signed l.l. and dated 1875

This painting is for sale.

Price: € 2,500

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    #Joseph van Lil #paintings#Dutch Romanticism #Romanticism #figures #portrait 

    Relatively little is known about the life and work of Joseph van Lil. The painter was born in Oisterwijk in 1826 and initially worked as a traditional (house) painter. At the age of 20 he moved to Antwerp, where he made a name for himself as a free artist from 1856. He probably worked mainly as a portrait painter.

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    Tuesday to Saturday from 11-17 hours and by appointment