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Jan Harm Weijns artwork • painting • for sale Moored barge in Katwijk aan den Rijn

Jan Harm Weijns

Moored barge in Katwijk aan den Rijn
oil on canvas 40.5 x 60.8 cm, signed l.r.

This painting is for sale.

Price: € 2,200

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    #Jan Harm Weijns #paintings#Dutch Impressionism #Impressionism #landscape #topography 

    Jan Harm Weijns is seen as a typical Rotterdam impressionist, painter par excellence of the streets and courtyards in the oldest parts of the city. He also painted landscapes, in the Netherlands as well as in Switzerland and Italy, but felt most attracted to the landscape and the canals and ditches around Rotterdam. A few portraits of him are also known. Weijns was a teacher at the Tekenacademy in Rotterdam, which later became the Willem de Kooning Academy.

    Jan Harm Weijns | Self portrait with pipe, oil on board, 42.9 x 31.7 cm, signed u.r.

    Jan Harm Weijns

    painting • for sale

    Self portrait with pipe

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