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Johannes Bosboomartist • painter • watercolourist • draughtsmanDen Haag 1817-1891

biography of Johannes Bosboom

Portrait of artist, painter, watercolourist and draughtsman Johannes Bosboom

Portrait of Johannes Bosboom

Johannes Bosboom, born in The Hague in 1817, was more connected to the first half of the 19th century than to the second. At a young age he turned out to have a great drawing talent. At the age of fourteen, he was apprenticed to his cousin the urban painter Bart van Hove and enrolled in the Drawing Academy in The Hague. During his apprenticeship with Van Hove, in which he and theater students also painted stage sets, he learned about architecture and architectural styles and developed an interest in painting churches and church interiors. Around the age of twenty, he decided to devote himself entirely to that. His watercolors and paintings show tranquil church interiors, populated by figures in 17th-century clothing, inspired by the light and atmosphere in the work of 17th-century painters Rembrandt and Emanuel de Witte. The masterful way in which he incorporated the light into his church interiors made him one of the most important European painters in this genre in his time.

From the mid-1960s we see Bosboom, influenced by Rembrandt, increasingly focusing on the rendering of light and color impressions of the church interior with a broad and mobile brush. The importance of the accurate representation of the architecture was pushed into the background in favor of the atmosphere. After 1880, Bosboom focused almost exclusively on watercolor painting. That he was a true master in this was demonstrated by the high awards he received in Belgium.

Bosboom married the like-minded, faithful Geertruida Toussaint, a well-known writer of historical novels in her time. Often there were financial concerns because both Geertruida's family and those of Bosboom had to be supported. The marriage was, despite difficult periods in which Bosboom hardly came to work because of depression and the writer was under great pressure of work, very happy.

Bosboom was a member of Pulchri Studio, the Arti Sacrum Society (Rotterdam) and the Hollandsche Teekenmaatschappij (The Hague). He was a teacher of Marie Bilders-van Bosse and the famous animal painter W.F. the hare. His colleagues saw him as an authority, not only because of his talent but also because of his dedication to colleagues

for salepaintings, watercolours and drawings by Johannes Bosboom

Johannes Bosboom | Interior of the Onze Lieve Vrouwe church in Bruges, oil on panel, 67.9 x 51.8 cm, signed l.r.

Johannes Bosboom

painting • for sale

Interior of the Onze Lieve Vrouwe church in Bruges

Johannes Bosboom | The interior of the Grote or Sint-Jacobschurch in The Hague, oil on panel, 24.5 x 17.6 cm, signed l.r.

Johannes Bosboom

painting • for sale

The interior of the Grote or Sint-Jacobschurch in The Hague

Johannes Bosboom | Sketch of a church exterior, oil on panel, 30.7 x 25.2 cm

Johannes Bosboom

painting • for sale

Sketch of a church exterior

Johannes Bosboom | Figures in the Pieterskerk, Leiden, ink and watercolour on paper, 11.9 x 8.4 cm, signed l.r.

Johannes Bosboom

watercolour • drawing • for sale

Figures in the Pieterskerk, Leiden

Johannes Bosboom | The choir of St. Martin's in Emmerich, watercolour on paper, 55.6 x 41.0 cm, signed l.l. and dated 1859

Johannes Bosboom

watercolour • drawing • for sale

The choir of St. Martin's in Emmerich

Johannes Bosboom | A view of the 'Huis der Samenkomsten van de Doopsgezinden' in The Hague, watercolour on paper, 30.9 x 22.7 cm, signed l.l. with initials

Johannes Bosboom

watercolour • drawing • for sale

A view of the 'Huis der Samenkomsten van de Doopsgezinden' in The Hague

previously for salepaintings, watercolours and drawings by Johannes Bosboom

Johannes Bosboom | Amsterdam orphans in the Nieuwe Kerk, oil on panel, 29.2 x 21.3 cm, signed l.l.

Johannes Bosboom

painting • previously for sale

Amsterdam orphans in the Nieuwe Kerk

Johannes Bosboom | Church interior, oil on panel, 12.0 x 9.1 cm, signed l.r. with initials

Johannes Bosboom

painting • previously for sale

Church interior

Johannes Bosboom | A church interior, oil on panel, 18.3 x 15.6 cm, signed l.l.

Johannes Bosboom

painting • previously for sale

A church interior

Johannes Bosboom | Interior of the Sint-Laurenskerk in Alkmaar, oil on panel, 43.1 x 36.1 cm, signed l.l.

Johannes Bosboom

painting • previously for sale

Interior of the Sint-Laurenskerk in Alkmaar

Johannes Bosboom | The Bakenesserkerk in Haarlem, oil on panel, 13.7 x 10.9 cm, signed l.l.

Johannes Bosboom

painting • previously for sale

The Bakenesserkerk in Haarlem

Johannes Bosboom | A Dutch inner port, oil on panel, 24.8 x 31.7 cm, signed l.l. and dated 1835

Johannes Bosboom

painting • previously for sale

A Dutch inner port

Johannes Bosboom | The St. Laurens Church, Alkmaar, oil on panel, 32.2 x 25.3 cm, signed l.l.

Johannes Bosboom

painting • previously for sale

The St. Laurens Church, Alkmaar

Johannes Bosboom | The Grote Kerk, Breda, Holland, oil on panel, 37.5 x 45.5 cm, signed l.r. and painted ca. 1850

Johannes Bosboom

painting • previously for sale

The Grote Kerk, Breda, Holland

Johannes Bosboom | A church interior, oil on panel, 19.2 x 15.0 cm, signed l.r.

Johannes Bosboom

painting • previously for sale

A church interior

Johannes Bosboom | A view of the Breestraat, Leiden, with the town hall, oil on panel, 45.2 x 35.0 cm, signed l.l. and painted ca. 1840-1845

Johannes Bosboom

painting • previously for sale

A view of the Breestraat, Leiden, with the town hall

Johannes Bosboom | The interior of the Hooglandse kerk, Leiden, oil on panel, 23.5 x 18.0 cm, signed l.l.

Johannes Bosboom

painting • previously for sale

The interior of the Hooglandse kerk, Leiden

Johannes Bosboom | A church interior, oil on panel, 18.5 x 14.5 cm, signed l.c.

Johannes Bosboom

painting • previously for sale

A church interior

Johannes Bosboom | Te Deum Laudamus, oil on canvas, 78.4 x 39.9 cm, signed l.r.

Johannes Bosboom

painting • previously for sale

Te Deum Laudamus

Johannes Bosboom | Interior of the Armenkerk in Hoorn, oil on panel, 42.9 x 32.7 cm, signed l.l.

Johannes Bosboom

painting • previously for sale

Interior of the Armenkerk in Hoorn

Johannes Bosboom | The interior of the Grote Kerk in Breda, oil on panel, 20.8 x 16.0 cm, signed l.r.

Johannes Bosboom

painting • previously for sale

The interior of the Grote Kerk in Breda

Johannes Bosboom | Interior of The Hervormde Kerk of Hattem, oil on panel, 17.6 x 13.4 cm, signed l.c.

Johannes Bosboom

painting • previously for sale

Interior of The Hervormde Kerk of Hattem

Johannes Bosboom | The Grote Kerk, Breda, Holland, oil on panel, 37.5 x 45.5 cm, signed l.r.

Johannes Bosboom

painting • previously for sale

The Grote Kerk, Breda, Holland

Johannes Bosboom | Interior of the Dutch protestant church in Hattem, oil on panel, 38.0 x 28.6 cm, signed l.l.

Johannes Bosboom

painting • previously for sale

Interior of the Dutch protestant church in Hattem

Johannes Bosboom | Interior of the Grote Kerk, Alkmaar, oil on panel, 19.1 x 14.9 cm, signed l.r.

Johannes Bosboom

painting • previously for sale

Interior of the Grote Kerk, Alkmaar

Johannes Bosboom | Interior of the Nieuwe Kerk, Amsterdam, oil on panel, 25.3 x 19.0 cm, signed l.r.

Johannes Bosboom

painting • previously for sale

Interior of the Nieuwe Kerk, Amsterdam

Johannes Bosboom | Interior of the 'Grote of St. Laurenskerk', Alkmaar, oil on panel, 34.2 x 27.7 cm, signed l.c. and painted between 1865-1870

Johannes Bosboom

painting • previously for sale

Interior of the 'Grote of St. Laurenskerk', Alkmaar

Johannes Bosboom | Kerkinterieur (gestolen, bel 0318652888 indien gevonden), oil on panel, 15.3 x 21.0 cm, gesigneerd l.o.

Johannes Bosboom

painting • previously for sale

Kerkinterieur (gestolen, bel 0318652888 indien gevonden)

Johannes Bosboom | A church interior, oil on panel, 12.5 x 8.8 cm, signed l.r.

Johannes Bosboom

painting • previously for sale

A church interior

Johannes Bosboom | Church service, oil on panel, 23.0 x 15.0 cm

Johannes Bosboom

painting • previously for sale

Church service

Johannes Bosboom | View of Utrecht, oil on panel, 45.0 x 61.5 cm, signed l.l.

Johannes Bosboom

painting • previously for sale

View of Utrecht

Johannes Bosboom | Church interior with figures, oil on panel, 24.0 x 17.0 cm, signed l.l.

Johannes Bosboom

painting • previously for sale

Church interior with figures

Johannes Bosboom | Church interior, Hattem, oil on canvas laid down on panel, 17.7 x 12.4 cm, signed l.l. and dated '57

Johannes Bosboom

painting • previously for sale

Church interior, Hattem

Johannes Bosboom | Interior of  the 'Nieuwe Kerk', Delft, oil on panel, 70.3 x 55.8 cm, signed l.l.

Johannes Bosboom

painting • previously for sale

Interior of the 'Nieuwe Kerk', Delft

Johannes Bosboom | Church interior, oil on panel, signed l.r.

Johannes Bosboom

painting • previously for sale

Church interior

Johannes Bosboom | A view of Amsterdam, with the Koepelkerk, oil on panel

Johannes Bosboom

painting • previously for sale

A view of Amsterdam, with the Koepelkerk

Johannes Bosboom | Church attendance, oil on panel, signed l.r.

Johannes Bosboom

painting • previously for sale

Church attendance

Johannes Bosboom | A study of monks and nuns, pencil on paper, 20.8 x 26.1 cm

Johannes Bosboom

watercolour • drawing • previously for sale

A study of monks and nuns

Johannes Bosboom | Interior or the oude Kerk in Delft, chalk and watercolour on paper, 28.2 x 19.5 cm, signed l.r. and executed ca. 1855

Johannes Bosboom

watercolour • drawing • previously for sale

Interior or the oude Kerk in Delft

Johannes Bosboom | Interior of the Grote Kerk in Alkmaar, watercolour on paper, 12.1 x 18.2 cm, signed l.r.

Johannes Bosboom

watercolour • drawing • previously for sale

Interior of the Grote Kerk in Alkmaar

Johannes Bosboom | Interior of the Grote Kerk te Breda with the funerary monument of Engelbert I van Nassau, pen, brush and ink on paper, 15.8 x 10.6 cm, signed l.c.

Johannes Bosboom

watercolour • drawing • previously for sale

Interior of the Grote Kerk te Breda with the funerary monument of Engelbert I van Nassau

Johannes Bosboom | Figures in a church interior, watercolour on paper, 26.5 x 18.3 cm, signed l.l.

Johannes Bosboom

watercolour • drawing • previously for sale

Figures in a church interior

Johannes Bosboom | Kircheninnenraum, watercolour on paper, 13.0 x 19.2 cm, signed l.r.

Johannes Bosboom

watercolour • drawing • previously for sale


Johannes Bosboom | A church interior (Grote Kerk Breda), watercolour on paper, 38.3 x 29.8 cm, signed l.l.

Johannes Bosboom

watercolour • drawing • previously for sale

A church interior (Grote Kerk Breda)

Johannes Bosboom | A Dutch church interior, watercolour on paper, 13.0 x 8.3 cm, signed l.l.

Johannes Bosboom

watercolour • drawing • previously for sale

A Dutch church interior

Johannes Bosboom | Interior of the Hooglandsche Kerk, Leiden, ink and watercolour on paper, 26.7 x 19.5 cm, signed l.l.

Johannes Bosboom

watercolour • drawing • previously for sale

Interior of the Hooglandsche Kerk, Leiden

Johannes Bosboom | A dutch church interior, watercolour on paper, 7.4 x 13.3 cm, signed l.l.

Johannes Bosboom

watercolour • drawing • previously for sale

A dutch church interior

Johannes Bosboom | Interior of the Grote Kerk, Maassluis, watercolour on paper, 28.0 x 21.5 cm, signed l.r.

Johannes Bosboom

watercolour • drawing • previously for sale

Interior of the Grote Kerk, Maassluis

Johannes Bosboom | In the Onze Lieve Vrouwekerk, Bruges, watercolour on paper, 38.1 x 27.4 cm, signed l.l.

Johannes Bosboom

watercolour • drawing • previously for sale

In the Onze Lieve Vrouwekerk, Bruges

Johannes Bosboom | Worshipping in the Grote Kerk, Hattem, watercolour on paper, 49.5 x 36.0 cm, signed l.r.

Johannes Bosboom

watercolour • drawing • previously for sale

Worshipping in the Grote Kerk, Hattem

Johannes Bosboom | The cathedral of Antwerpen after service, ink, chalk and watercolour on paper, 30.7 x 40.7 cm, signed l.r.

Johannes Bosboom

watercolour • drawing • previously for sale

The cathedral of Antwerpen after service

Johannes Bosboom | Worshipping in the Grote Kerk, Hattem, watercolour on paper, 49.5 x 36.0 cm, signed l.r.

Johannes Bosboom

watercolour • drawing • previously for sale

Worshipping in the Grote Kerk, Hattem

Johannes Bosboom | The organist, watercolour on paper, 13.8 x 8.4 cm, signed l.r.

Johannes Bosboom

watercolour • drawing • previously for sale

The organist

Johannes Bosboom | In the convent in Boxmeer, brush in black ink and watercolour on paper, 45.0 x 36.8 cm, signed l.c.

Johannes Bosboom

watercolour • drawing • previously for sale

In the convent in Boxmeer

Johannes Bosboom | A watermill near Leuven, sepia on paper, 28.6 x 21.3 cm, signed l.r.

Johannes Bosboom

watercolour • drawing • previously for sale

A watermill near Leuven

Johannes Bosboom | the Bakenesserkerk, Haarlem, with pulpit, watercolour on paper, 9.0 x 13.8 cm, signed l.l.

Johannes Bosboom

watercolour • drawing • previously for sale

the Bakenesserkerk, Haarlem, with pulpit

Johannes Bosboom | Aisle of Bakenessekerk, Haarlem, watercolour on paper, 15.0 x 20.5 cm, signed l.l.

Johannes Bosboom

watercolour • drawing • previously for sale

Aisle of Bakenessekerk, Haarlem

Johannes Bosboom | At the church service, watercolour on paper, 14.5 x 10.5 cm, signed l.l.

Johannes Bosboom

watercolour • drawing • previously for sale

At the church service

Johannes Bosboom | Interior of the Pieterskerk, Leiden, watercolour on paper, 56.6 x 46.0 cm, signed l.l. twice

Johannes Bosboom

watercolour • drawing • previously for sale

Interior of the Pieterskerk, Leiden

Johannes Bosboom | Interior of the 'Bakenesserkerk', Haarlem, watercolour on paper, 20.0 x 27.8 cm, signed l.l.

Johannes Bosboom

watercolour • drawing • previously for sale

Interior of the 'Bakenesserkerk', Haarlem

Johannes Bosboom | A church interior, watercolour on paper, 12.5 x 8.5 cm, signed l.l.

Johannes Bosboom

watercolour • drawing • previously for sale

A church interior

Johannes Bosboom | A farmyard, watercolour on paper, 23.6 x 33.0 cm, signed l.l. with initials

Johannes Bosboom

watercolour • drawing • previously for sale

A farmyard

Johannes Bosboom | Interior of the 'Laurenskerk', Rotterdam, watercolour on paper, 22.5 x 30.0 cm, signed l.l. and dated 1855-1858

Johannes Bosboom

watercolour • drawing • previously for sale

Interior of the 'Laurenskerk', Rotterdam

Johannes Bosboom | A church interior, watercolour on paper, 15.0 x 9.0 cm

Johannes Bosboom

watercolour • drawing • previously for sale

A church interior

Johannes Bosboom | Sacristy, watercolour on paper, 19.5 x 12.5 cm, signed u.l. with monogram

Johannes Bosboom

watercolour • drawing • previously for sale


Johannes Bosboom | The marriage ceremony, watercolour on paper, 28.2 x 20.5 cm, signed l.l.

Johannes Bosboom

watercolour • drawing • previously for sale

The marriage ceremony

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Tuesday to Saturday from 11-17 hours and by appointment