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Martinus Schoumanartist • painterDordrecht 1770-1848 Breda

biography of Martinus Schouman

The Dordt marine painter Martinus Schouman was the son of a barge. After a number of lessons with Michiel Versteegh he went to study with his famous great-uncle Aart Schouman in The Hague. Then he established himself as a marine painter in Dordrecht. In this city, surrounded by water, he developed into a celebrated marine painter. He trained a number of pupils, including the gifted J.C. Schotel with which he painted some historical sea scenes. He also took an active part in the art and exhibition life of the city and was a member of the Dordrecht drawing society Pictura. After his son Izak had become a teacher at the K.M.A. (royal military academy) in Breda, he moved to this city in 1839. There he would actively paint for another nine years.

previously for salepaintings by Martinus Schouman

Martinus Schouman | Damage off the coast in a storm, oil on panel, 29.3 x 38.7 cm, signed l.r. on floating wood

Martinus Schouman

painting • previously for sale

Damage off the coast in a storm

Martinus Schouman | Sailing ships on a choppy sea, oil on panel, 29.5 x 39.7 cm, signed l.r.

Martinus Schouman

painting • previously for sale

Sailing ships on a choppy sea

for salepaintings by Martinus Schouman

Martinus Schouman | Sailing ships in a storm, oil on panel, 51.1 x 71.7 cm, signed l.l.

Martinus Schouman

painting • for sale

Sailing ships in a storm

Martinus Schouman | Sailing vessels in choppy seas, oil on canvas, 72.0 x 98.5 cm, signed l.r. and painted ca. 1810-1820

Martinus Schouman

painting • for sale

Sailing vessels in choppy seas

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