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Aart Glansdorp artwork • painting • for sale Orchids in an oriental vase

Glansdorp A.  | Aart Glansdorp | Paintings offered for sale | Orchids in an oriental vase, oil on canvas 65.8 x 55.6 cm, signed c.l. and dated '26

Aart Glansdorp

Orchids in an oriental vase
oil on canvas 65.8 x 55.6 cm, signed c.l. and dated '26

This painting is for sale.

price range: up to 2,500

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Aart Glansdorp lived and worked in Rotterdam almost all his life, where as a teacher at the academy he left his mark on a younger generation of Rotterdam painters. His preference was to paint figures and flower still lifes, which he depicted in robust, simplified forms with a great sense of colour and light shades. In the 1920s, his still lifes were somewhat influenced by the Bergenians Colnot and Matthieu Wiegman.

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