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Andrei Cambi artwork • statue • sculpture • for sale The accordeonist (a pair with 15881 Country girl)

Cambi Prof. A.  | Andrei Cambi | Sculptures and objects offered for sale | The accordeonist (a pair with 15881 Country girl), marble 132.0 x 54.0 cm, signed on the back and dated 'Firenze 1891'

Andrei Cambi

The accordeonist (a pair with 15881 Country girl)
marble 132.0 x 54.0 cm, signed on the back and dated 'Firenze 1891'

This sculpture is for sale.

price range: € 10,000 - € 15,000

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    #Andrei Cambi #sculptures and objects#Dutch Romanticism #Romanticism #music #woman 
    Provenance: coll. Quadvlieg, The Netherlands, 1989; private coll. Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 1989 – 2011; coll. Simonis & Buunk, Ede, The Netherlands.

    From Prof. Andrei Cambi, Italian sculptor at the end of the 19th century is known to have worked in Florence between 1986 and 1906. His Greek goddesses, but especially girl figures and women in country dress are usually in marble.

    Andrei Cambi | The shepherdess ( a pair with the accordeonist), marble, 132.0 x 54.0 cm, dated 1890

    Andrei Cambi

    statue • sculptuur • for sale

    The shepherdess ( a pair with the accordeonist)

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    Tuesday to Saturday from 11-17 hours and by appointment