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Bengt Lindström artwork • prints & multiples • for sale Green figure

Bengt Lindström

Green figure
aqua engraving 72.0 x 53.0 cm, signed l.c.

Price: € 1,250

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    #Bengt Lindström #prints and multiples#Post-war Abstract painting #abstract 

    The Swedish painter-lithographer Bengt Lindström was born in Lapland in 1925 and lived alternately in Sweden and France. He studied at the Isaac Grünewald Art School in Stockholm (1944-1945) and the Copenhagen Fine Arts School (1945-1946). Then he went to Paris, where he came into contact with the work of the Cobra group. Since that time, Nordic mythology and folk art have played a major role in his work. Gods, masks and monsters now populate his paintings, lithoseries, monumental murals and tapestries. Lindström also painted landscapes inspired by the rugged nature of his childhood. But it is mainly the distorted, mask-like heads in bright colours that characterize his work.

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    Tuesday to Saturday from 11-17 hours and by appointment