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Cornelis Springer artwork • painting • for sale A town view in Makkum, Friesland

Cornelis Springer

A town view in Makkum, Friesland
oil on panel 44.8 x 57.3 cm, signed l.r. and dated 1871

This painting is for sale.

Price: € 295,000

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    #Cornelis Springer #paintings
    Provenance: kunsthandel Goupil & Co., Parijs (rechtstreeks gekocht van de kunstenaar, april 1871) ; veiling Sotheby Mak van Waay, Amsterdam, 15 april 1985, lotnr. 96 (met afb.); Kunsthandel Leslie Smith, Wassenaar.
    Literature: W. Laanstra, H.C. de Bruin, J.H.A. Ringeling, 'Cornelis Springer (1817-1891)', Utrecht 1984, pag. 170, 71-5; W. Laanstra, 'Cornelis Springer. Geschilderde Steden', Amsterdam 1994, pag. 69, 71.5 (met afb. in kleur); vgl.: (detail) W. Laanstra, 'Cornelis Springer. Geschilderde Steden', Amsterdam 1994, afb. pag. 82; Arnold Ligthart, 'Door het oog van Cornelis Springer (1817-1891). Een ontdekkingstocht langs de steden rondom de Zuiderzee', Schiedam, 2015, pag. 140, afb. 181 (in kleur).
    Exhibited: Enkhuizen, Zuiderzeemuseum, ‘Door het oog van Springer’, 12 dec. 2015-10 april 2016.

    Cornelis Springer mainly painted town and village scenes in which facades and staffage are bathed in warm sunlight. Together with Barend Cornelis Koekkoek and Andreas Schelfhout, he belongs to the leading painters of Dutch Romanticism. Springer often assigns a prominent place to 17th and 18th century buildings in his paintings. Sometimes this is in the form of an imaginative piece of architecture, but in most cases these were existing buildings in which people rediscovered their beauty in around 1850. Springer first made a detailed sketch of these buildings which he later reworked into a painting.

    Cornelis Springer | A busy day along the river, sepia on paper, 14.0 x 20.4 cm, signed l.l. with monogram and executed ca. 1840-1845

    Cornelis Springer

    watercolour • drawing • for sale

    A busy day along the river

    Cornelis Springer | Man and woman in church interior, oil on canvas, 32.9 x 27.3 cm, signed l.l. with monogram and dated '44

    Cornelis Springer

    painting • for sale

    Man and woman in church interior

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