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Cornelis van Leemputten artwork • painting • for sale sheep in the barn

Cornelis van Leemputten

sheep in the barn
oil on panel 40.0 x 31.7 cm, signed l.r.

This painting is for sale.

Price: € 2,200

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    #Cornelis van Leemputten #paintings#Belgian Romanticism #Romanticism #animals #sheep 

    The Belgian painter Cornelis van Leemputten, older brother of Frans van Leemputten, made a big name in his time as a painter of landscapes with sheep. Source of inspiration was the work of the Hague School painter Anton Mauve and the French cattle painter C.E. Jacque. His work was known far beyond the country's borders and was sold as far as America.

    Cornelis van Leemputten | Sheep at rest outside a shed, oil on panel, 64.9 x 86.0 cm, signed l.l. and dated '68

    Cornelis van Leemputten

    painting • for sale

    Sheep at rest outside a shed

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    Tuesday to Saturday from 11-17 hours and by appointment