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Douwe van der Zweep artwork • painting • for sale Flowerpot with daisies

Douwe van der Zweep

Flowerpot with daisies
oil on panel 27.0 x 21.1 cm, signed l.r.

This painting is for sale.

Price: € 2,200

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    #Douwe van der Zweep #paintings#Dutch classic modernism #flower still life 

    Douwe van der Zweep was trained as a lithographer and took lessons at the Kunstnijverheidsschool in Utrecht. From 1913 he worked for the rest of his life as an anatomical illustrator at the Veterinary School in Utrecht. In his spare hours, Van der Zweep developed as a free artist, who focused on experimentation and abstraction in his drawings and paintings. As a result, the painter never became very well known to the general public. Van der Zweep was a member of the Utrecht art collective De Progressieven.

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    Tuesday to Saturday from 11-17 hours and by appointment