Edgard Farasijn artwork • painting • previously for sale 'Katwijkse bomschuit'
Edgard Farasijn
Antwerpen 1858-1938
'Katwijkse bomschuit'
oil on canvas 87.5 x 135.5 cm, signed l.r.
This painting was previously for sale.
Literature: tent.cat. 'Katwijk in de schilderkunst', Katwijk 1995, afb. (in kleur) pag. 132; Arend-Jan Sleijster, 'Willy Sluiter en de Kunstvereeniging 'Katwijk' 1908-1910', Katwijk 2008, pag. 70, afb. 72 (in kleur); F. Wagter, T. Deckers (red.), 'Katwijk in de schilderkunst', Katwijk 2011, pag. 147 (met afb. in kleur nr. 63). tent.cat. Katwijk, Katwijks Museum, 'Bomschuit in beeld', 2013, pag. 8, afb. 7 (in kleur).
Exhibited: Katwijk, Katwijks Museum, 'Willy Sluiter en de Kunstvereeniging Katwijk 1908-1910', 14 okt. 2008-17 jan. 2009; Katwijk, Katwijks Museum, 'Katwijk in de schilderkunst II', 19 juli-5 nov. 2011; Katwijk, Katwijks Museum, 'Bomschuit in beeld', 1 mei-14 sept. 2013.
Edgard Farasijn was a Belgian artist who painted figures, animals and seascapes. He became particularly well known for his market scenes and pictures of the seashore with fishermen, for which he took his inspiration from the coastal regions of Flanders and Holland. Between 1898 and 1913 he made several trips to Katwijk to paint the local fisherfolk. At times Farasijn preferred to evoke a dreamy, slightly melancholy mood over the precise rendering of a subject.
© Simonis & Buunk