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Frits Ohl artwork • painting • for sale Indonesian landscape with Flame tree in bloom

Ohl L.F.  | Lucien 'Frits' Ohl | Paintings offered for sale | Indonesian landscape with Flame tree in bloom, oil on canvas 68.3 x 95.3 cm, signed l.r. and without frame

Frits Ohl

Indonesian landscape with Flame tree in bloom
oil on canvas 68.3 x 95.3 cm, signed l.r. and without frame

This painting is for sale.

Price: € 5,200

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    #Frits Ohl #paintings#landscape #topography 

    Together with painters such as Gerard Adolfs, Frits Ohl is one of the Dutch-Indonesian artists who are now very popular. He was born in Palembang in 1904 and formed himself. In a smooth impressionist style, with extensive use of the palette knife, he painted workers in the rice fields, landscapes, animals and portraits. He lived and worked in Jakarta and Jogjakarta and settled permanently in The Hague in 1954.

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    Tuesday to Saturday from 11-17 hours and by appointment