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Frits Verdonk artwork • painting • for sale Mrs. Roorda

Verdonk F.W.  | Frederik Willem 'Frits' Verdonk | Paintings offered for sale | Mrs. Roorda, oil on canvas 41.3 x 51.2 cm
Verdonk F.W.  | Frederik Willem 'Frits' Verdonk | Paintings offered for sale | Mrs. Roorda, oil on canvas 41.3 x 51.2 cm

Frits Verdonk

Mrs. Roorda
oil on canvas 41.3 x 51.2 cm

This painting is for sale.

Price: € 1,500

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    #Frits Verdonk #paintings

    Frits Verdonk lived and worked in The Hague, where he painted portraits, still lifes and old neighborhoods in The Hague in a bright color and loose, impressionistic style. His sunny beach views are particularly popular, for which he found inspiration close to home in Katwijk and Scheveningen.

    Open all year round

    Tuesday to Saturday from 11-17 hours and by appointment