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Herbert Zangs artwork • painting • previously for sale Rechenzeichen

Zangs H.  | Herbert Zangs, Rechenzeichen, mixed techniques 32.0 x 41.0 cm, signed l.r. and 1970s

Herbert Zangs

mixed techniques 32.0 x 41.0 cm, signed l.r. and 1970s

Exhibited: Krefeld (Duitsland), Krefelder Kunstverein, 1994?

The oeuvre of Herbert Zangs shows a great desire for experiment. He was educated at the academy in Düsseldorf in the years 1945-'49 and after that he initially worked in figurative style. From 1952 his famous 'Verweisungen', monochrome reliefs in white, consisting of various materials were created. With this he anticipated the Zero movement, which peaked in the period 1958-1966. In addition, Zangs continued to work in figurative-expressionist style up to an old age. Zangs belonged to the prominent 20th-century artists and many well-known museums have work by him in their collection.

Herbert Zangs | Composition, relief of paper and wood, 44.0 x 23.0 cm, signed l.l.

Herbert Zangs

statue • sculptuur • for sale


Herbert Zangs | Rechenzeichen, 1970, mixed media on board, 19.2 x 37.5 cm, signed l.l. and 1970s

Herbert Zangs

painting • for sale

Rechenzeichen, 1970

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