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Jan Adam Zandleven artwork • painting • for sale Tree

Jan Adam Zandleven

oil on canvas laid down on board 50.5 x 35.5 cm, signed l.r. and dated 1909

This painting is for sale.

Price: € 4,500

Provenance: kunsthandel M.L. de Boer, Amsterdam, 3941.

In 1902, at the age of 34, Jan Adam Zandleven chose to paint, on the advice - as the story goes - of Jozef Israels and P.J.C. Gabriel. Two years later, the painter moved to Gorssel, where he developed further on his own. Important was his introduction to H.P. Bremmer, who recognized his talent and advised Hélène Kröller-Müller to buy work from Zandleven, which she did. In 1912 he settled in Putten on the Veluwe. The painter felt most in his element when he could retreat with his easel to the forest, far from the bustle of the city. Under his hands there were enchanting paintings of birch and beech that light up in the shadow of the forest. Initially Zandleven painted landscapes, later also village views, still lifes and interiors; like trees painted in a broad pointillism with small, thick dots of paint. His canvases show traces of long-term attention to the subject and an endless work through in the paint.

Jan Adam Zandleven | Flowering fruit tree in front of a farm, oil on canvas laid down on panel, 40.2 x 32.1 cm, signed l.l. and dated 1912

Jan Adam Zandleven

painting • for sale

Flowering fruit tree in front of a farm

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