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Jan Hendrik Stuiver artwork • painting • for sale Nude

Stuiver J.H.  | Jan Hendrik Stuiver | Paintings offered for sale | Nude, oil on panel 29.7 x 48.1 cm, signed l.r.
Stuiver J.H.  | Jan Hendrik Stuiver | Paintings offered for sale | Nude, oil on panel 29.7 x 48.1 cm, signed l.r.

Jan Hendrik Stuiver

oil on panel 29.7 x 48.1 cm, signed l.r.

This painting is for sale.

Price: € 1,800

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    #Jan Hendrik Stuiver #paintings#Dutch Impressionism #Impressionism #figures #nude 

    Jan Hendrik Stuiver was born in Appingedam and received his training in the 1930s at the Academy 'Minerva' in Groningen, where the painters of De Ploeg also received their training. The atmosphere of innovation and experiment that prevailed in Groningen painting circles at the time is also reflected in Stuiver's work. In their tradition, he mainly painted cityscapes, portraits and the landscape of Groningen.

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    Tuesday to Saturday from 11-17 hours and by appointment