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Jan Rijlaarsdam artwork • watercolour • drawing • for sale Mother and child

Rijlaarsdam J.  | Jan Rijlaarsdam | Watercolours and drawings offered for sale | Mother and child, charcoal and watercolour on paper 54.0 x 35.5 cm, signed l.l.

Jan Rijlaarsdam

Mother and child
charcoal and watercolour on paper 54.0 x 35.5 cm, signed l.l.

This work on paper is for sale.

Price: € 500

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    #Jan Rijlaarsdam #watercolours and drawings#Dutch Impressionism #figures 

    The work of Jan Rijlaarsdam is very recognizable. He painted cityscapes and café and bar scenes in a smooth-impressionistic style and initially in a palette that is reminiscent of that of his fellow townsman Breitner. Later his work becomes more colorful. Striking is his preference for the seamy side of city life. Musicians, street vendors, clochards and prostitutes often appear in his paintings. Work by the painter can be found at the Singer Museum in Laren.

    Jan Rijlaarsdam | At the bar, gouache on paper, 33.1 x 24.1 cm, signed l.l. (indistinct)

    Jan Rijlaarsdam

    watercolour • drawing • for sale

    At the bar

    Jan Rijlaarsdam | The Leidsestraat in Amsterdam, pastel and watercolour on paper, 28.2 x 20.2 cm, signed l.l.

    Jan Rijlaarsdam

    watercolour • drawing • for sale

    The Leidsestraat in Amsterdam

    Jan Rijlaarsdam | The musician and his muses, oil on canvas, 90.3 x 60.7 cm, signed l.l.

    Jan Rijlaarsdam

    painting • for sale

    The musician and his muses

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