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Jan Willem Pieneman artwork • painting • previously for sale Flirtation

Jan Willem Pieneman

oil on panel 38.8 x 32.3 cm, signed l.l. and dated 1814

This painting was previously for sale.

Provenance: part. bezit, Groot-Brittannië.
Exhibited: Almen, Museum STAAL, ''De Eerste Kus', is Romantiek ook romantisch?', 31 maart 2024-30 maart 2025.

Jan Willem Pieneman was one of the most beloved history painters of the 19th century. His specialty was the Dutch history and the heroic deeds of the principal characters in it. He also painted attractive, domestic scenes. In addition to his activities as a painter, Pieneman held many social functions. He was director of the Royal Cabinet (now Mauritshuis) and the Rijksmuseum. His connections gave him many portrait assignments, including King William I.

Open all year round

Tuesday to Saturday from 11-17 hours and by appointment