Johan Jacob Bodaan artwork • painting • for sale Dead bird near a cage
Johan Jacob Bodaan
Den Haag 1881-1954
Dead bird near a cage
oil on panel 36.2 x 25.2 cm, signed l.r.
This painting is for sale.
Price: € 2,200
At the start of his career as a painter, the very versatile artist Johan Bodaan from The Hague mainly made elegant, professional still lifes with flowers and dead animals. Towards the end of his life, his style changed dramatically. At that time he mainly painted nudes in flat, even areas of color with clear contours that are somewhat reminiscent of the work of Paul Gauguin. Bodaan lived and worked for a long time in The Hague, where he studied at the Academy for Visual Arts, the Craft School and the Kunstnijverheidsschool. He was not only a painter but also a furniture maker and teacher in various arts and crafts subjects. For example, from 1908 to 1933 he taught drawing in secondary education. In 1903 he was also co-founder of The Hague Sketch Club and since 1938 a valued member of Pulchri Studio.