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Johannes Weiland artwork • watercolour • drawing • for sale Feeding the baby

Weiland J.  | Johannes Weiland | Watercolours and drawings offered for sale | Feeding the baby, watercolour on paper 48.0 x 40.3 cm, signed l.l.
Weiland J.  | Johannes Weiland | Watercolours and drawings offered for sale | Feeding the baby, watercolour on paper 48.0 x 40.3 cm, signed l.l.

Johannes Weiland

Feeding the baby
watercolour on paper 48.0 x 40.3 cm, signed l.l.

This work on paper is for sale.

Price: € 2,600

Johannes Weiland lived and worked in Vlaardingen, Rotterdam and The Hague. He received his painting training at the Akademie in Rotterdam, an institute to which he, from 1879, was also a teacher himself. He painted and watercoloured landscapes, a few still lifes and especially scenes from the daily life of his time, such as a fish saleswoman, a village smithy, fishermen on the ice or laundresses at a canal. He also regularly traveled to Brabant, where he painted peasant interiors, a genre that grew strongly in popularity around 1860.

Johannes Weiland | Farmhouse interior with mother and child, oil on canvas, 65.3 x 81.2 cm, signed l.l. and dated '96

Johannes Weiland

painting • for sale

Farmhouse interior with mother and child

Johannes Weiland | Violets, watercolour on paper, 46.0 x 32.3 cm, signed l.r.

Johannes Weiland

watercolour • drawing • for sale


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