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Joris van der Haagen artwork • painting • for sale Italianate hilly landscape with hunters

Haagen J. van der | Joris van der Haagen | Paintings offered for sale | Italianate hilly landscape with hunters, oil on canvas 132.5 x 150.5 cm
Haagen J. van der | Joris van der Haagen | Paintings offered for sale | Italianate hilly landscape with hunters, oil on canvas 132.5 x 150.5 cm

Joris van der Haagen

Italianate hilly landscape with hunters
oil on canvas 132.5 x 150.5 cm

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    #Joris van der Haagen #paintings#17th century #forest landscape #hunstman #hunting #landscape 
    Provenance: coll. A. H. Heywood-Lonsdale, Shavington, Groot-Brittannië; H. Heywood-Lonsdale, Shavington, Groot-Brittannië; part. bezit Zwitserland.
    Literature: J.K. van der Haagen, 'De schilders Van der Haagen en hun werk', Voorburg 1932, pag. 110, 204.

    Of the four generations of painters from the Van der Haagen family of painters, Joris achieved the most fame. From 1640 he works as a topographer of The Hague, where a flourishing court life had developed at that time. His interest lay in the buildings of the city, the Korte and Lange Vijverberg, where fashionably dressed figures paraded that he depicted with great precision in his work. After 1656, Van Der Haagen regularly traveled abroad, to Copenhagen, Frankfurt, and just across the German border at Nijmegen. But above all, his love went out to the landscape in his own country and he was best known for his Dutch landscape portraits and panoramas. Van der Haagen regularly collaborated with other artists such as Nicolaes Berchem and Phillip Wouwerman, who decorated his work with figures or animals. He also worked with Paulus Potter, who, like Van der Haagen, lived on the Veerkade in The Hague with a view of the open meadow.

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    Tuesday to Saturday from 11-17 hours and by appointment