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Kasper Niehaus artwork • painting • previously for sale Landscape with figures

Niehaus K.  | Kasper Niehaus, Landscape with figures, oil on canvas 122.5 x 151.3 cm

Kasper Niehaus

Landscape with figures
oil on canvas 122.5 x 151.3 cm

This painting was previously for sale.

Kasper Niehaus painted portraits and landscapes with figures in a highly recognisable style. His forms are outlined and rigidly stylised, the colours light and wispy, the figures and setting brought together in a well-considered composition emanating peace and harmony. Niehaus was also an art critic and through his contributions and his book 'Levende Nederlandsche Kunst' (Living Dutch Art) endeavoured to take a stand for modern painting.

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Tuesday to Saturday from 11-17 hours and by appointment