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Kees Balvers artwork • painting • for sale Still life with a fish

Kees Balvers

Still life with a fish
acrylic on canvas 100.0 x 80.0 cm, signed l.c. and dated '81

This painting is for sale.

Price: € 1,800

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    #Kees Balvers #paintings#Naive Painting #fish #interior #still life 
    Provenance: Dienst Verspreide Rijkscollecties (DVR), Den Haag (nu: Instituut Collectie Nederland, Amsterdam), inv./ DV 19372.

    Cees Balvers was born in Rotterdam and mainly painted still lifes in a naïve, colorful style in which he places objects in an unrealistic perspective. Balvers lived and worked in The Hague, where he exhibited at the Haagse Kunstkring and in Pulchri.

    Open all year round

    Tuesday to Saturday from 11-17 hours and by appointment