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Louwrens Hanedoes artwork • painting • for sale Sunset near Le Havre

Hanedoes L.  | Louwrens Hanedoes | Paintings offered for sale | Sunset near Le Havre, oil on canvas 110.0 x 165.0 cm, signed l.l.

Louwrens Hanedoes

Sunset near Le Havre
oil on canvas 110.0 x 165.0 cm, signed l.l.

This painting is for sale.

Price: € 17,000

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    #Louwrens Hanedoes #paintings#Dutch Romanticism #landscape #seascape #sunset 

    Student of the Academy of Visual Arts in The Hague, of C. Kruseman and B.C. Koekkoek. His contemporary C. Rochussen has several times decorated his work, forest and dune views, with figures. Hanedoes was appointed a knight in the Order of Leopold by the Belgian king in 1863. Exhibitions: Amsterdam, The Hague and Rotterdam.

    Louwrens Hanedoes | Shepherd boy with his dog in a heath landscape, oil on canvas, 25.4 x 34.2 cm, signed l.r. and with the artist's stamp on the reverse and dated 1863

    Louwrens Hanedoes

    painting • for sale

    Shepherd boy with his dog in a heath landscape

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