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Nicolaas Martinus Wijdoogen artwork • painting • previously for sale Hollow post-mill

Wijdoogen N.M.  | Nicolaas Martinus Wijdoogen, Hollow post-mill, oil on paper laid down on panel 27.3 x 45.5 cm, signed l.r.

Nicolaas Martinus Wijdoogen

Hollow post-mill
oil on paper laid down on panel 27.3 x 45.5 cm, signed l.r.

This painting was previously for sale.

Little is known about the life of Nicolaas Martinus Wijdoogen. He was probably born in 1824 and worked in Amsterdam as a painter of Amsterdam cityscapes and river and seascapes. He is also known for flowers and still lifes. According to his descendants, he met the Danish Annette Pidova in Amsterdam in 1849, with whom he moved to Copenhagen. He lived and worked there until his death in 1898.

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