Nicolaas van der Waay artwork • painting • previously for sale Waiting for the concert, Concertgebouw Amsterdam
Nicolaas van der Waay
Amsterdam 1855-1936
Waiting for the concert, Concertgebouw Amsterdam
oil on canvas 80.9 x 61.0 cm, signed l.r.
This painting was previously for sale.
Provenance: veiling Van Marle & Bignell, Den Haag, 14 dec. 1966, lotnr. 355 (met afb.); part. bezit Duitsland.
Literature: Ingelies Vermeulen e.a., 'Nachtlicht. De schilders van het nieuwe licht 1880-1940', Haarlem 2010, afb. in kleur pag. 76 en op de omslag, pag. 126; Rolf Hermsen, 'Tempel in boerenland', 'Preludium' (Programmablad van het Concertgebouw en het Koninklijk Concertgebouworkest) 8 (2013), afb. in kleur pag. 13 en op de omslag.
Exhibited: 'Nachtlicht', Deurne, Museum De Wieger, 18 dec. 2010-6 maart 2011/Amersfoort, Museum Flehite, 12 maart-5 juni 2011.
The name Nicolaas van der Waay is inextricably linked to the city of Amsterdam and the Rijksacademie there. He had been a teacher for over 30 years and together with August Allebé he took care of the painting class. In addition, he was a valued portraitist and painter of urban life. Van der Waay was not an innovator, but a sensitive impressionist, good at portraying a mood and capturing what fascinated him: cafe and theater scenes, urban images and sophisticated performances, often with women in the leading role.
© Simonis & Buunk