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Onbekend artwork • statue • sculpture • for sale Standing nude

Onbekend 20e eeuw (1e helft)  | Onbekend | Sculptures and objects offered for sale | Standing nude, bronze 58.0 x 16.7 cm


Standing nude
bronze 58.0 x 16.7 cm

This sculpture is for sale.

price range: up to 2,500

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If a painting or image is located elsewhere, it is nearly always possible to see it in our galleries after making an appointment. Please contact our secretariat.

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    #Onbekend #sculptures and objects#Dutch Impressionism #Impressionism #nude #woman 

    Onbekend | Bust of a girl, plaster, 35.7 x 26.3 cm


    statue • sculptuur • for sale

    Bust of a girl

    Onbekend | Three frogs, bronze, 19.5 cm


    statue • sculptuur • for sale

    Three frogs

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    Tuesday to Saturday from 11-17 hours and by appointment