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Onbekend artwork • watercolour • drawing • for sale Crêpes with fruit

Onbekend 20e eeuw  | Onbekend | Watercolours and drawings offered for sale | Crêpes with fruit, gouache on paper 54.8 x 71.0 cm
Onbekend 20e eeuw  | Onbekend | Watercolours and drawings offered for sale | Crêpes with fruit, gouache on paper 54.8 x 71.0 cm


Crêpes with fruit
gouache on paper 54.8 x 71.0 cm

This work on paper is for sale.

Price: € 1,800

 question / reaction


    #Onbekend #watercolours and drawings#Expressionism #other still lives #still life 

    Onbekend | Bird-shaped bowl, bronze, decorated, 9.1 x 26.0 cm


    statue • sculptuur • for sale

    Bird-shaped bowl

    Onbekend | Female nude lying down, terra cotta, 19.0 x 23.3 cm, signed with initials D - S on base and made '49


    statue • sculptuur • for sale

    Female nude lying down

    Onbekend | Three women, bronze, 80.0 x 62.0 cm


    statue • sculptuur • for sale

    Three women

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    Tuesday to Saturday from 11-17 hours and by appointment