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Petrus Jacobus Maria Wiegman artwork • painting • previously for sale untitled

Wiegman P.J.M.  | Petrus Jacobus Maria 'Piet' Wiegman, untitled, 80.0 x 60.5 cm, signed l.l.

Petrus Jacobus Maria Wiegman

, 80.0 x 60.5 cm, signed l.l.

Piet Wiegman was son of the painter and illustrator Jan Wiegman and nephew of the Bergen School painters Piet and Matthieu Wiegman. When he was twenty-three, he had lessons from H.F. Boot and P.Kloes. Later he became less figurative and now mainly paints in an Abstract Expressionist style.

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Tuesday to Saturday from 11-17 hours and by appointment