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Piet Mondriaan artwork • painting • for sale The banks of the Seine

Piet Mondriaan

The banks of the Seine
oil on canvas 54.2 x 73.1 cm, signed l.l. and painted in 1931

This painting is for sale.

Price: € 475,000

Provenance: coll. B.F. Groeneveld; veiling nalatenschap atelier B.F. Groeneveld, Mak van Waay, Amsterdam, 30 sept. 1941, lotnr. 333 (Landschap met kanaal in België); coll. Thyssen, Duitsland; Kunsthandel Anne Abels, Keulen, Duitsland; coll. dr Adam Peters, Keulen, Duitsland; coll. dr Louis F. Peters, Duitsland; Simonis & Buunk Kunsthandel, Ede, 1997; part. coll. Zaandam.
Literature: Michel Seuphor, 'Piet Mondrian. Life and Work', New York, Londen, Amsterdam 1956, pag. 426, nr. 425, afb. pag. 361, nr. 54; Cor Blok, 'Piet Mondriaan. Een catalogus van zijn werk in Nederlands openbaar bezit', Amsterdam 1974, pag. 45; M.G. Ottolenghi, 'L'opera completa di Piet Mondrian', Milaan 1974, pag. 103, nr. 250 (met afb.); Joop M. Joosten, 'Piet Mondrian, Catalogue Raisonné of the Work of 1911-1944', Blaricum 1998, pag. 468, nr. C18 (met afb.); Paul Gorter m.m.v. Joop M. Joosten, ‘Mies Maris' vergeten ‘Mondriana'', 'Jong Holland' 3 (1998), pag. 41, nr. 10 (met afb.); 'Jubileumuitgave 25 jaar Simonis&Buunk Kunsthandel: een Keur aan Kunst', Ede/Zwolle 2003, nr. 25 (met afb. in kleur); Zwolle, Museum De Fundatie, ‘Van Gogh tot Cremer – Nederlandse kunstenaars in Parijs’, 2014, afb. in kleur pag. 92.
Exhibited: Recklinghausen, Duitsland, Städtische Kunsthalle, '10. Ruhrfestspiele. Beginn und Reife', 1956, nr. 183 (met afb.); Recklinghausen, Duitsland, Städtische Kunsthalle, '28. Ruhrfestspiele. Was war - was ist. 25 Jahre Ausstellungen der Ruhrfestspiele', 1974, pag. 64, nr. 82 (met afb.); Ede, Simonis & Buunk Kunsthandel, 'Jubileumtentoonstelling 1978-2003: een Keur aan Kunst', 18-26 april 2003; Zwolle, Museum De Fundatie, ‘Van Gogh tot Cremer – Nederlandse kunstenaars in Parijs’, 21 sept. 2014-4 jan. 2015; Winterswijk, Museum Villa Mondriaan, 'De vroegste Mondriaan', 3 aug.-2 nov. 2021; Amersfoort, Museum Flehite, 'Naar de natuur. Mondriaan en de Haagse School', 8 okt. 2022-29 jan. 2023.

Before Mondrian made the abstract compositions with which he became famous, he drew and painted landscapes, figures, flowers and still-lifes in a naturalist style. Between 1895 and 1908, he gradually detached himself from exact pictorial representation and experimented with colour, composition and a simplifying of forms. This ultimately led to depicting nature in abstract vertical and horizontal lines and planes in primary colours.

Piet Mondriaan | Farm with tree, oil on board laid down on panel, 75.5 x 64.0 cm, painted circa 1906-1907

Piet Mondriaan

painting • for sale

Farm with tree

Piet Mondriaan | Geinrust farm with Isolated Tree at left isolated tree with 'isolated tree', oil on canvas, 47.7 x 63.8 cm, signed l.r. and painted ca. 1905-1906

Piet Mondriaan

painting • for sale

Geinrust farm with Isolated Tree at left isolated tree with 'isolated tree'

Piet Mondriaan | Landscape at Montmorency, oil on canvas, 46.3 x 55.2 cm, signed l.l. and on the reverse and dated on the reverse 8 Aug. '30

Piet Mondriaan

painting • for sale

Landscape at Montmorency

Piet Mondriaan | Portrait of C.M.J.W. Rijnen, oil on panel, 49.6 x 39.1 cm, signed r.c. and painted 1914-1915 (Joosten) or 1908-1911 (Bax)

Piet Mondriaan

painting • for sale

Portrait of C.M.J.W. Rijnen

Piet Mondriaan | Portrait of Mrs. L.C.M. Rijnen-van den Bosch, oil on panel, 49.1 x 38.7 cm, signed m.r. and painted 1914-1915 (Joosten) or 1908-1911 (Bax)

Piet Mondriaan

painting • for sale

Portrait of Mrs. L.C.M. Rijnen-van den Bosch

Piet Mondriaan | Portrait of an old man, charcoal on paper, 52.3 x 39.5 cm, gesigneerd links van het midden

Piet Mondriaan

watercolour • drawing • for sale

Portrait of an old man

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