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Privat Livemont artwork • painting • for sale At the exhibition: lady with a blue hat and a dog

Privat Livemont

At the exhibition: lady with a blue hat and a dog
oil on board 33.1 x 24.0 cm, signed l.c. and dated 'le 1 Aout' 1908

This painting is for sale.

Price: € 11,800

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    #Privat Livemont #paintings#Belgian Impressionism #dog #hats #portrait #woman 
    Provenance: part. bezit België.

    The Belgian Art Nouveau artist Privat Livemont is widely known for his poster designs. He was educated at the Ecole des arts decoratives and showed such talent that he studied for three years in Paris (1883-1889) at the expense of the Belgian government. There he worked as a set painter for the Opéra and the Comédie Francaise, but turned out to be especially talented as a decorative painter. Back in Brussels in 1889, he designed murals, tile pictures, stained glass windows and graffito wall decorations for numerous buildings, with idealized and stylized female figures as the main subject. Later in his career as an artist, he also devoted himself to painting. Privat-Livemont's work is not only distinguished by elegance of form and line, but also by great sensuality and beautiful use of colour.

    Open all year round

    Tuesday to Saturday from 11-17 hours and by appointment