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Tonny Kristians artwork • watercolour • drawing • for sale In the café

Kristians A.J.  | Antonius Johannes 'Tonny' Kristians | Watercolours and drawings offered for sale | In the café, watercolour on paper 25.4 x 17.5 cm, signed l.r. and dated '12

Tonny Kristians

In the café
watercolour on paper 25.4 x 17.5 cm, signed l.r. and dated '12

This work on paper is for sale.

Price: € 7,200

The Amsterdam painter Tonny Kristians exchanged Amsterdam for Paris in 1913, in those days the Mecca of painting. Until 1921 he lived with his family in bustling Montmartre, where he became friends with artists such as Maurice Utrillo and Odilon Redon. The Parisian street life, the bars and cabarets of Montparnasse, but also the fashionable nightlife of the city provide inspiration for numerous cityscapes, figure and genre scenes. In addition to being a well-known painter, Kristians was also an etcher, graphic artist and bookbinding designer. In 1912 he was also one of the founders of 'De Onafhankelijken'.

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Tuesday to Saturday from 11-17 hours and by appointment