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Toon Pluijmers artwork • painting • for sale Prepairing the meal

Pluijmers A.B.  | Anthonie Bernardus 'Toon' Pluijmers | Paintings offered for sale | Prepairing the meal, oil on canvas 80.3 x 60.4 cm, painted ca. 1945, without frame

Toon Pluijmers

Prepairing the meal
oil on canvas 80.3 x 60.4 cm, painted ca. 1945, without frame

This painting is for sale.

Price: € 1,800

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    #Toon Pluijmers #paintings#Dutch Impressionism #Impressionism #figures 

    The originally Zeeland painter Toon Pluijmers lived in Amsterdam from 1938. Here he first followed the Opleiding Tekenleraren (Drawing Teacher Training). To train as a free artist, he also studied at the Higher Institute of Fine Arts in Antwerp. Pluijmers painted a variety of subjects, such as portraits, landscapes, still lifes, cityscapes and harbour views and marines. He took an active part in the capital's artistic life, as is apparent from his membership of 'De Onafhankelijken', 'De Brug' and 'St. Lucas'. Pluijmers taught at the art department of the Hendrick de Keyserschool in Amsterdam.

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