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Walter Köhler artwork • watercolour • drawing • for sale On the beach

Köhler W.  | Walter Köhler | Watercolours and drawings offered for sale | On the beach, gouache on paper 39.6 x 34.0 cm, painted ca. 1921
Köhler W.  | Walter Köhler | Watercolours and drawings offered for sale | On the beach, gouache on paper 39.6 x 34.0 cm, painted ca. 1921

Walter Köhler

On the beach
gouache on paper 39.6 x 34.0 cm, painted ca. 1921

This work on paper is for sale.

Price: € 3,700

 question / reaction


    #Walter Köhler #watercolours and drawings
    Provenance: part. bezit Duitsland.

    Little is known about the life and work of Walter Köhler. What we do know is that he made illustrations for the 'Meggendorfer Blätter', a humorous magazine that was at the time very popular. Its illustrations were usually made by famous artists. Köhler made this watercolour for the cover of the issue of 25 August 1921. Below one could read the following text :“Ekelhaft ist das! Die Leute hier grinsen einen immer so an, als wüssten die, dass man noch gar nicht an das viele geld gewöhnt ist. Und dabei rede ich doch extra immer recht viel vom Geld!' (“Terrible anyway. The people here are always grinning at you, as if they know that you are not used to so much money at all. While I always talk a lot about money!).

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