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Willem de Klerk artwork • painting • previously for sale Mountainous river landscape

Klerk W. de | Willem de Klerk, Mountainous river landscape, oil on panel 48.0 x 64.5 cm, signed l.r.

Willem de Klerk

Mountainous river landscape
oil on panel 48.0 x 64.5 cm, signed l.r.

This painting was previously for sale.

The born and raised Dordrecht painter Willem de Klerk was born in 1800. His most important teacher was the landscape painter Adrianus van der Koogh (1796-1831). Together they were members of the Pictura drawing society. He is known for his paintings of landscapes with streams in which rural people and cattle figure. He painted Dutch cloudy skies in a striking way. The Dordrechts Museum notes that in his later landscapes the influence of Barend Cornelis Koekkoek is visible, as a result of which De Klerk has been referred to as the 'Dordtse Koekkoek'.

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